'ADIS AZERBAIJAN' company is the official distributor of "SVEZA-LES" company.
The products that we represent, is the world leader in the production of birch plywood. SVEZA is a modern, fast-growing group of companies, one of the leading players in the woodworking market. We produce our high-quality plywood of natural Russian birch and hold the world leadership in this sector. We are the world’s largest producers of natural Russian birch plywood.
'ADIS AZERBAIJAN' company is the official distributor of "SVEZA-LES" company. The products that we represent, is the world leader in the production of birch plywood.
As we are the direct distributor of the company SVEZA-LES, we offer the products of at the most reasonable prices and conditions.
The Quality Management System at SVEZA`s facilities is ISO-9001 compliant (TUV certification center, Germany).The safety of our products for human health is confirmed by Russian and international certificates. SVEZA is committed to responsible use of forest resources. SVEZA products are made from FCS certified raw materials *.
1. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council®) is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization established to promote responsible management of the world`s forests.
leader in the production of birch plywood. And we, in our turn, guarantee the quality of our products in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is a high developing country, invested by big foreign construction companies, which cooperate mainly with 'ADIS AZERBAIJAN'. Representing our products for many years, we have won the trust of many construction companies that put the quality ahead of everything.
We took part in the construction of important strategic state institutions such as Baku Olympic Stadium, Flame Towers, Flag Square, Crystal Hall, Heydar Aliyev Center and many others.
27 Feb 2024
'ADIS AZERBAIJAN' LLC participated in 'Bakubild 2023' International Construction Exhibition.
06 Jan 2019
The Sveza company became a laureate in two nominations of the ECO BEST AWARD at once.